
My portfolio that I never update. I welcome feedback!

What was used


I use Node.js (along with Express and a few other packages) as a web server to serve files to the client.

VueJS & Vue Router

VueJS is an amazing JavaScript framework for building user interfaces (UI). I have used VueJS & Vue Router to create a single page application (SPA) to deal and serve pages without the user having to leave a page or send another request to the server as they’re all loaded through index.html. The pages are created in files ended in .vue, and webpack bundles them together in the bundle.js file. You can read more about Webpack in the section below.

Vue Router allowed for me to write modular routes that can have components to dynamically change the page. This allowed for a fast, fluent application.


Webpack, a tool used to build JavaScript modules, bundles all my application together in the one place (bundle.js). Rather than referencing lots of JavaScript files in my markup, I import them using ES6 and use them as needed, and webpack bundles them!


Babel allows for me to write newer JavaScript functionality, and compiles it to JavaScript that browsers understand as ES6 isn’t well supported yet.


I typically try and use TypeScript for as much JavaScript development that I can.

Pure CSS

For my frontend style, I use Pure CSS. Pure CSS allows for me to quickly create an x-platform, fully-responsive application.


Docker allows for me to build my application, using a specific image to ensure it runs in any environment (I deploy to Kubernetes).

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint